Apply for new club premises certificate
You can apply for a new club certificate for any premises that is occupied and used regularly for club purposes.
Applications should be submitted with copies of:
- a floor plan of the premises
- the rules of the club
Floor plans must be drawn to a scale of 1:100 and show:
- the boundary of the building, including external and internal walls
- points of access into and out of the premises
- escape routes from the premises, if different from above
- the location and type of any fire safety and any other safety equipment
- fixed structures, including furniture, that may restrict the use of exits or escape routes
- the area used for the consumption of alcohol, if the premises is used for the supply of alcohol
- the area used for each licensable activity, if the premises is used for more than one
- the location and height of each stage, if present
- the location of any steps, stairs, elevators or lifts, if present
- public conveniences
- any kitchen
You must also provide details of the club's operating schedule, such as:
- opening times
- activities of the club
- times that activities are to take place
- whether alcohol supplies are for consumption on or off the premises, or both
Apply for a new club premises certificate
You must let us know if details of the club change – for example, the registered address.
The fees for a club premises certificate are set nationally. They are based on the rateable value of the premises. Go to GOV.UK: alcohol licensing fee levels.
Responsible authorities
These are public bodies that must be notified of certain applications and can make comments about hose applications. Go to responsible authorities contact for contact details of those covering Thurrock.
Advertising your application
Your application must be advertised in accordance with requirements of the legislation.