Making changes
You can apply online to make a change to your club premises certificate.
Fees for club premises certificate changes are set nationally. They are based on the rateable value of the premises. Go to GOV.UK: alcohol licensing fee levels.
Variation to a club premises certificate
The full variation process is very similar to the application process for a new premises licence and the fee is the same. You should use this process if you want to make a substantial change to your licence – for example, changes to the licence times or activities.
For a minor variation – a small, low-risk change to your premises licence – the process is cheaper and quicker than a full variation application. Small changes include:
- removing a licensable activity
- reducing the hours you sell alcohol
- making small changes to the layout of your premises
If you apply for a minor variation and your application is rejected, you will not be able to appeal but you can reapply using the full variation process.
Both processes use the same form, below.
Variation to a club premises certificate
Notification of change of details or club rules
You can use the form below to tell us when there is a change to the club name, the club secretary, or the club rules.
Notification of change of club details or rules
Notification of an interest in premises
If you have a legal or financial interest in a premises – for example, as a freeholder, leaseholder, mortgagee or occupier – you may give us notice of your interest. We will then notify you of any licence applications or events affecting that premises in the following 12-month period.
You can give notice either as an individual, or representing an organisation or partnership.
At the end of the 12-month period, the registered interest will lapse unless it is renewed for another 12 months. There is no obligation to register an interest.