
Night shelters and emergency hostels

There are no hostels in Thurrock that you can contact directly, but there are a number nearby. You can search for homelessness services on the Homeless Link website.

If you are homeless and need emergency shelter, you can try calling one of the following.

Shelter Phone number
Southend Emergency Night Shelter 01702 602 913
HARP Southend 01702 430 696
Catalyst Night Shelter, Havering 07894 448 729 or 07527 192 161.
You will need a local connection to Havering.
Chelmsford Chess 01245 252 410
Colchester Night Shelter 01206 549 885
Joes Community Trust, Kingston Upon Thames 0208 255 7400
Basildon 07357 622 117
Hope 4 Barking and Dagenham 07527 192 161