Speech, language and communication support

Training for parents and carers

Several organisations can train you in speech and language techniques for children.

British Sign Language

The Signature website gives information on qualifications. Training centres offer training in:

  • deaf awareness
  • British and Irish sign language
  • communicating through English
  • deaf blind communication


Chatterbox is a weekly language group for parents and pre-school children. It is based in family hubs and run by family hub staff who have been trained in speech and language therapy. You can join Chatterbox by invitation only.

Portage workshop

The Portage service runs an annual 4-day workshop. It is for parents, carers and staff working with young children who have developmental needs, including speech, language and communication.

The Portage Co-ordinator

: 01375 898 652

: [email protected]


Signalong is a manual communication system that supports spoken language. We offer signalong courses for parents, carers, nurseries pre-schools and schools.

Signalong gives good communication help to children and those around them.

Signalong administrator

: 01375 898 652