
Help tackle terrorism

You can help the police tackle terrorism and save lives by reporting suspicious behaviour and activity.

ACT – Action Counters Terrorism

It is more important than ever that everyone in the community plays their part in tackling terrorism – your actions could save lives.

Don't worry about wasting police time. No call or click will be ignored. What you tell the police will be treated in the strictest confidence and thoroughly checked by experienced officers before action is taken.

Any piece of information could be important – it is better to be safe and report.

How to report

Reporting is quick and easy.

You can report in strict confidence or anonymously via the Counter Terrorism Policing website:

Counter Terrorism Policing: report possible terrorist activity

You can also report in strict confidence or anonymously by phoning the police anti-terrorist hotline.

Police Anti-Terrorist Hotline - confidential

: 0800 789 321

Always in an emergency, call 999.

If you are a social care or health professional and want to make a safeguarding referral, you can use forms online for:

'Channel' is a national programme to identify and support vulnerable individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism. If you wish to refer someone to Channel, go to Essex Schools: PREVENT duty and follow the 'Essex Channel Panel' guidance.

What to report

Like other criminals, terrorists need to make plans. You can report any activity or behaviour that appears out of place, unusual or just doesn't seem to fit in with everyday life.

Watch the film below to learn more.

How to complain

The Commission for Countering Extremism (CCE) provides the government with impartial, expert advice and scrutiny on tackling extremism. The CCE has a Standards and Compliance Unit that makes sure anyone using the Prevent duty follows the right process and standards.

You should contact the Standards and Compliance Unit if you want to complain about how Prevent has been applied – go to GOV.UK: Make a complaint about Prevent.