Violence against women and girls

Safety in public spaces

Women and girls should feel safe in public spaces, without unwanted attention from strangers.

Public spaces are places that are open to the general public, such as:

  • streets and car parks
  • in and around public transport
  • workplaces the public can access, such as shops or pubs
  • parks and countryside

Types of attention that can make women and girls feel unsafe include:

  • abuse
  • unwelcome comments and gestures
  • being harassed
  • being followed

If you experience any unwelcome interaction, whether physically violent or not, remember it's not your fault – the fault is always with the perpetrator.

Report safety concerns

You can use the police's StreetSafe service to report safety concerns in public places without giving your name. Safety concerns can include poorly lit streets, abandoned buildings, vandalism, or where you feel unsafe because someone has followed you or verbally abused you.

To report a safety concern, go to Police.UK: StreetSafe.

Report public spaces that don't feel safe

You can use an online map to report public spaces where you don't feel safe in Thurrock, Essex or Southend. You can say why you unsafe and suggest what we can do to make the place feel safer. You can also tell us about places where you do feel safe, and the reasons why.

This online service was set-up by the Community Safety team for Essex, together with partners across the region. Go to Women's safety in public spaces in Southend, Essex and Thurrock.


If you see someone being abused or made to feel afraid or uncomfortable, there are safe and appropriate ways you can help. To find out how, go to: