Bus timetables

Bus stops

Most bus stops in Thurrock are marked with a white sign that says 'Bus Stop' and shows which bus routes use it. At Grays and Lakeside bus stations, each stop has a sign showing a number or letter of each bay.

The signs tell you the bus stop code, which is usually 7 letters that begin 'thu'. You can use this code when planning journeys on the Traveline website or checking our bus route destination finder, below.

Many bus stops also have shelters with seats and electronic signs that show when the next buses are expected to arrive.

Electronic signs at bus stops

Major bus stops in Thurrock and the greater Essex area have electronic signs that display bus service numbers, destinations and timetable information.

The service – called real-time passenger information – provides live departure information on routes where buses have vehicle location technology on board.

Predicted arrival times will change depending on traffic movement. On the screen:

  • times with the word 'min' afterwards are a prediction of how many minutes until the bus arrives
  • the word 'due' means the bus will arrive at any moment

Sometimes signs will show scheduled times from timetables rather than actual live running times. Scheduled information is shown using the 24-hour clock format – for example, 14:25 is 2:25pm.

Roadworks affecting bus stops

When roadworks are taking place on a bus route, it may not be possible for buses to call at one or more bus stop nearby. We will always try to give advance notice when roadworks will affect bus timetables.

Organisations with a right to carry out roadworks can ask for a bus stop to be suspended as part of their application for works, using the form below.

From 1 October 2023, the charge for suspending each bus stop is:

  • £175 for up to 1 day
  • £350 for up to 2 days
  • £300 for each additional period of 28 days, or up to 28 days, after the first 2 days

Apply for works affecting the public highway or public rights of way

For more information on this form, go to planned roadwork and new requests.