Public Health

Pharmaceutical needs assessment

A Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) contains information about current pharmacies in the local area and the services they provide - for example, dispensing, healthy living advice, emergency contraception. It also includes information about the local population, their current needs and what their needs might be in the future.

The PNA is used by the NHS to make decisions around what NHS-funded services should be provided by pharmacies. It is also be used when deciding if new pharmacies are needed in an area. It aligns with other plans for health and social care in the local area, such as the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.

Thurrock's most recent PNA was approved by Health and Well-being Board in 2022.

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, 2022

Contact the Public Health team if you have any queries about the PNA.

Public Health

: [email protected]

Previous pharmaceutical needs assessments

Previous Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment were approved in 2014 and 2018.

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, 2014

Before 2014, a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment that covered Thurrock was produced by South West Essex Primary Care Trust inĀ 2011.