Permitted development rights conditions
Permitted development right conditions (PDR) are often attached to the planning consents that we grant. Some of these conditions remove permitted development rights. Current conditions are listed below.
This is not a full list of conditions that remove permitted development rights on sites – you should also check the planning history of a property. Planning permission may have been granted for a property but this does not guarantee it has been implemented. A subsequent planning permission or alteration to the property may affect the permitted development rights.
PDR no. | Planning application |
PDR 358 | Thu/511a/82 |
PDR 357 | Thu/507/76 |
PDR 356 | Thu/503/95 |
PDR 355 | Thu/5/88 |
PDR 354 | Thu/497a/90 |
PDR 353 | Thu/49/94 |
PDR 352 | Thu/482/95 |
PDR 351 | Thu/482/84 |
PDR 350 | Thu/48/82 |
PDR 349 | Thu/473/84 |
PDR 348 | Thu/472/80 |
PDR 347 | Thu/471/95 |
PDR 346 | Thu/463/92 |
PDR 345 | Thu/455/93 |
PDR 344 | Thu/454/91 |
PDR 343 | Thu/447/92 |
PDR 342 | Thu/442/93, Thu/19/94, Thu/428/95 |
PDR 341 | Thu/44/83 |
PDR 340 | Thu/434/93, 98/00900/COND |
PDR 339 | Thu/439/93 |
PDR 338 | Thu/437/83 |
PDR 337 | Thu/432/82 |
PDR 336 | Thu/43/88 and A |
PDR 335 | Thu/42/94 |
PDR 334 | Thu/417/95 |
PDR 333 | Thu/413/93 |
PDR 332 | Thu/410/86 |
PDR 331 | Thu/408A/81 |
PDR 330 | Thu/404/95 |
PDR 329 | Thu/399/95 |
PDR 328 | Thu/392/93 |
PDR 327 | Thu/390/81 |
PDR 326 | Thu/389/86 |
PDR 325 | Thu/387/86 |
PDR 324 | Thu/382/92 and A, Thu/239/95 and A |
PDR 323 | Thu/370/91 |
PDR 322 | Thu/369/91 |
PDR 321 | Thu/367/88 |
PDR 320 | Thu/364/90 |
PDR 319 | Thu/364/87 |
PDR 318 | Thu/36/88 |
PDR 317 | Thu/35/92 |
PDR 316 | Thu/348/77 |
PDR 315 | Thu/347/92 |
PDR 314 | Thu/339/95 |
PDR 313 | Thu/335/80 |
PDR 312 | Thu/333/92 |
PDR 311 | Thu/328/92 |
PDR 310 | Thu/322/86 |
PDR 309 | Thu/321/84 |